Nursery and Flagging Tapes

Nursery Tapes from Innotec of Wisconsin Inc. are designed for growers, nursery and landscaping use. They are produced on a 2.5 mil taffeta grade material. The tape is slit to a narrow width to identify, stake and protect climbers, seedlings, saplings, vines and other delicate plants. The tapes are available in 15 solid colors on a ½-inch x 300-foot rolls and five glow colors on a ½- x 150-foot rolls.
Flagging Tapes are available in five solid colors on a 1 3/16-inch x 300-foot roll; 18 striped, 11 checkerboard and 15 glow and polka dot colors on a 1 3/16-inch x 150-foot rolls. All Flagging Tapes are printed on a 2 mil taffeta, coarse matte and arctic grade material which endures temperatures below -20°F.
The company also offers other tapes for greenhouse and nursery applications.