GP3000 Color Tag Press from Primera Technology
Now growers, greenhouses and garden centers can print exactly what they need – when and where they need it – and avoid the expense and waste of ordering more tags than they need just to make sure they have enough.
The GP3000:
• Prints on both sides in full-color and edge to edge
• Prints any quantity from a few to many thousand
• Accommodates a variety of tag shapes and sizes
• Produces highly durable tags that look new for months, resisting UV, water and scratching
• Includes a built-in cutter and creaser
Now growers, greenhouses and garden centers can print exactly what they need – when and where they need it – and avoid the expense and waste of ordering more tags than they need just to make sure they have enough.
The GP3000:
• Prints on both sides in full-color and edge to edge
• Prints any quantity from a few to many thousand
• Accommodates a variety of tag shapes and sizes
• Produces highly durable tags that look new for months, resisting UV, water and scratching
• Includes a built-in cutter and creaser