Akari Miticide/Insecticide demonstrates a unique, immediate “stop-feeding action” that not only stops further crop damage, but also inhibits oviposition. Akari controls a broad range of mites and insect pests including several species of spider, tarsonemid and eriophyid mites, mealybugs, whiteflies and psyllid. The immediate stop-feed prevents mites and insects from further eating away at your profits before they die out completely 4 to 7 days later. While Akari is active on all life stages, it is especially effective on the plant damaging larvae, nymph and adult stages. Akari provides long residual action of 21 - 28 days. Labeled for indoor and outdoor grown ornamentals and greenhouse vegetables, Akari is a powerful and convenient addition to every IPM program. As a contact solution, thorough spray coverage is essential to obtain desirable control.
For more information on Akari, visit SePRO's website.