
Coleus Spitfire
This selection is small in stature and big in color.
More in Coleus
Main Street Coleus from Dümmen Orange named AAS Winner
The Main Street Beale Street Coleus is the first coleus to be recognized as an AAS Winner.
Terra Nova Nurseries releases 2019-2020 plant catalog
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Annuals: Go big or go perennial?
Annuals are a mainstay for many growers, but some are turning away from them — here's why.
Q&A: Growing young minds
Middle and high school horticulture educators instill skills and a sense of responsibility in their students.
UGA announces Classic City Award Winners from its Trial Gardens
The 12 varieties represent multiple genera from several breeders.
Fueled by passion
Jim Monroe’s journey through horticulture started with Japanese maples and a fascination with plants.
Essential LEDs
Van Belle Nursery’s Pablo Costa shares how LED lighting gives the operation’s hydrangeas some much-needed light and light intensity in early spring.
Sneak peek: coleus Terra Nova 'Quetzal'
The new coleus boasts a fast growth rate and finish time, as well as a dwarf habit.