Downy mildew

Syngenta introduces new Postiva fungicide
Postiva offers a strong defense against multiple pathogens while helping delay the development of resistance.
More in Downy mildew
U.S. utility patent granted for Beacon Impatiens
Six colors and two mixes are covered by the patent.
PanAmerican Seed officially debuts downy mildew resistant Impatiens walleriana
PanAmerican showcased the new Beacon Impatiens series that features six colors and two mixes at the 2019 California Spring Trials.
Plant Health Virtual Conference: Downy Mildews Aren’t Powdery Mildews
Margery will clue you in to the mystifying world of downy mildews. It used to be that only rose growers knew what they were, but now anyone who grows coleus or impatiens has run up against a downy mildew at some time. Although they sound a lot like powdery mildews, the downy mildews aren’t even fungi. This means that you have to be very careful when you are choosing materials to protect your plants, because many popular leaf spot fungicides won’t touch a downy mildew. Learn about the symptoms and the management for downy mildew on a number of your major (and some minor) crops. You will never get downy mildew confused with powdery mildew again after this presentation! Speaker: Margery Daughtrey, Senior Extension Associate, Cornell University
PanAmerican Seed re-launches impatiens line
A new line of of I. walleriana with high resistance to Impatiens downy mildew will be available globally next year.
The continuing study of impatiens downy mildew
The Horticultural Research Institute is putting more money and time into solving IDM.
New 'proven' produce [video]
2018 California Spring Trials: Proven Winners is debuting a new line of Proven Harvest vegetables, including two tasty tomatoes, a downy mildew-resistant basil and two double-flowered strawberries.
Segovis fungicide approved in California, New York
The systemic fungicide provides downy mildew control and Phytophthora on ornamentals, trees and shrubs.
UConn to host one-day educational plant disease program
"Keeping Those Dratted Diseases Out of Your Crops" will take place Sept. 21.
Downy mildew research findings released
Researchers developed an early detection method, evaluated fungicide control options, and created a resistance-focused breeding program.