
Sarisa insecticide now registered for drench applications and many common greenhouse vegetable crops
Sarisa’s new drench label (not yet registered in California and Oregon) allows the active ingredient, cyclaniliprole, to target immature (larvae/pupa) life stage protection against key nursery and greenhouse pests.
More in Insecticides
Harrell’s appoints Jack Harrell III as new CEO, chairman of the board
Jack Harrell III succeeds his father and former CEO and chairman of the board, Jack Harrell Jr., after his recent passing.
Protect those poinsettias
It is crucial that growers effectively manage insect and mite pests on poinsettias, especially before bract formation.
New Mainspring Xtra insecticide from Syngenta offers expanded insect control for ornamental crops
Two modes of action offer fast-acting and broader-spectrum insect control for greenhouse and nursery operations.
‘Part of our story’
Envu is making the biggest move in its short history by acquiring FMC Global Specialty Solutions. What does the pending deal mean for the industry?
FMC signs agreement to sell Global Specialty Solutions business to Envu
$350-million deal will expand Envu’s portfolio in multiple non-crop markets, including the golf industry.
An added layer of protection
Learn the best management practices for integrating insecticides with biocontrols for a versatile program.
Syngenta solutions
Syngenta offers several products to help protect vegetable and herb plants grown for resale in the retail market.
Syngenta Professional Solutions announces two new active ingredients
Upon registration, plinazolin technology will provide a new insecticide active ingredient and mode of action, and tymirium technology will provide a new active ingredient for nematode and disease protection.
ClearLeaf Insecticide/Miticide: New synergized approach at taking control of mites and other insects
Central Life Sciences discusses ClearLife Insecticide/Miticide, a first in class innovation for greenhouse and nursery growers to fight mites, insects and resistance, all in a single application with minimal phytotoxicity concerns. This webinar discusses the synergistic benefits of combining a dual-active miticide with a broad-spectrum insecticide, while including a PBO enzyme blocker or synergist. It's a new approach to mite and insect control by limiting the replacement population of the pest right from the start.
Velifer Bioinsecticide/Miticide approved for new application methods and crops
This expanded label also includes new crops: fruit and nut trees, vines, brambles and bushberries.