Blackmore Company creates plastic-free Plant-It-Friendly retail sleeve

The company said its Plant-It-Friendly retail sleeve is 95% plastic-free, with a 100% plastic-free version coming soon, with no need for plastic pots or tags.

Preparing for potting automation

Growers need to answer some important questions before investing in machines that will save on potting labor.

The container challenge

Industry stakeholders work toward a common goal: reducing horticulture plastic.

East Jordan Plastics strategic account manager Bret Sulaver discusses the best way to manage container waste through implementing a closed-loop recycling program.

The HC Companies introduces 10% PCR content in horticultural containers

This initiative not only will integrate at least 10% PCR content across the majority of their product lines, but will also receive credible third-party certification to guarantee transparency in their supply chains.

Getting your pots in a row

Potting machine manufacturers offer advice on how to take care of your equipment and when you need to replace it.

Preparing for planting: best practices to follow

As spring production ramps up, here’s how to properly prepare substrates and containers.

3-D Systems


Jiffypot R2

2-51 Orphan Strip Tray 25mm Ellepot