University extension

Greenhouse 101 starts June 3
This course will help grower staff make better crop management decisions by learning the underlying horticultural science of plant growth.
More in University extension
University of Missouri completes $28.2-million greenhouse expansion
The facility features 22,880 square feet of growing space and a plant growth chamber facility.
Texas A&M details plan for state-of-the-art greenhouse
The facility will utilize robotics and is set to open in 2020.
UF-IFAS announces 2019 online greenhouse training courses
The first class — Greenhouse 101 — begins on May 27 and each course costs $199.
Dr. Steven Newman
The Colorado State professor brings a vast knowledge of traditional greenhouse practices to controlled environment agriculture (CEA).
Q&A: Everything growers need to know about pest and disease issues in bedding plants
Kansas State University’s Dr. Raymond Cloyd and Cornell University’s Margery Daughtrey preview the book they co-wrote with Dr. A.R. Chase, “Compendium of Bedding Plant Diseases and Pests.”
Making the 'light' decision
Dr. Erik Runkle of Michigan State University explains growers’ supplemental lighting options.
Dr. Charlie Hall receives 2018 SAF Paul Ecke, Jr. Award
The Texas A&M professor and AmericanHort economist received the award at the Society of American Florists' annual convention.
Texas ornamental plant, turf conference scheduled
The event will take place Feb. 13 at the Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Extension Center in Amarillo.
New England Greenhouse Extension Programs to host 2018 webinars
The webinars will be held every Wednesday at noon beginning on Jan. 17.
Dr. Steven M. Still will retire from PPA this September
Still has worked with the Perennial Plant Association for almost 35 years.