UConn to host one-day educational plant disease program

"Keeping Those Dratted Diseases Out of Your Crops" will take place Sept. 21.

"Keeping Those Dratted Diseases Out of Your Crops," a one-day educational program, will be held on Thursday, September 21, 2017 at the Jones Auditorium, Connecticut Agriculture Experiment Station, 123 Huntington Street, in New Haven, Conn.

This educational program will feature the following topics for greenhouse and nursery growers and retailers:

• USDA Crop Insurance Options to Manage Farm Risk, Joseph Bonelli, UConn Extension
• How to Interpret Signs and Symptoms Caused by Diseases and Disorders, Ann Gould, Rutgers University
• Getting to the Root of the Problem, Ann Gould, Rutgers University
• Managing Maniacal Mildews, both powder and down, Margery Daughtrey, Cornell University, LIHREC and Emma Wallace, USDA-ARS Visiting Scientist, ORISE ARS Research Participation Program
• Using Disease Management Tools: Getting the Most out of Fungicides and Biologicals: Choices and Rotations, Margery Daughtrey, LIHREC

• How Nutrition Can Affect Contagious Plant Diseases, Wade Elmer, CES
• The Plant Doctors Are In to Answer Your Questions

* 5.5 Pesticide Recertification Credits have been approved (PA)

View program and form online at: http://ipm.uconn.edu/pa_greenhouse/ and look under ‘educational programs’.

$25.00 per person ____ (by check only) 

Registration fee of $25 per person includes: Handouts, refreshments, lunch.

For more information, contact:

Leanne Pundt, UConn Extension, 860-626-6855, leanne.pundt@uconn.edu