BotaniGard Broad Spectrum Biological Insecticide

Based on the highly successful fungus, Beauveria bassiana strain GHA, BotaniGard from BioWorks Inc. controls the most troublesome crop pests – even resistant strains. It controls whitefly, thrips, aphids, immatures and adults and many other greenhouse and field crops insect pests.   

Three Formulations:
BotaniGard ES – liquid emulsifiable suspension
BotaniGard 22WP – wettable powder
Mycotrol O – organic certified (OMRI Listed) liquid emulsifiable suspension
  • Superior formulation – highest spore concentration in a Beauveria-containing insecticide
  • Unique mode of action – spores infect directly through the insect’s cuticle
  • Cost-effective – controls multiple stages of insects, preventing population flare-ups and the cost of rescue treatments
  • Large and diverse crop list and multiple use sites
  • Excellent resistance management due to its unique, non-site specific mode of action
  • Compatible with many pesticides and beneficial insects and mites
  • Excellent safety: 4-hr REI; 0-day pre-harvest interval