Container gardening group Digging In Gathering granted nonprofit professional association status

This status, which applies to business leagues and other similar entities, allows Digging In Association to operate as a nonprofit organization focused on promoting the common business interests of its members.


Southern Nursery Association releases latest conference proceedings

The 110-page document features information about container grown plant production, plant breeding and more.

The HC Companies makes multimillion dollar investment to better serve horticulture industry

The horticulture containers supplier will invest in new manufacturing technologies aimed at improving product consistency and delivery times.

Ball to acquire majority of share in Danish breeding company Ex-Plant A/S

The pot plant company will join the global PanAmerican Seed network after the closing of the deal early in 2017.

Southern favorites [video]

Southern Living Plant Collection's Kip McConnell highlights a new loropetalum and gives an update on a ligustrum that's been a crowd favorite.

Fresh and 'funky' [video]

Benary marries the best qualities of existing begonia varieties -- heat tolerance, double blooms and easy shipping -- in its new for 2017 Funky begonia.

A brainy rebranding [video]

American Takii plays on the brain-like looks of Armor celosia to reinvent its image.

Retail-ready strawberries [video]

New Delizz from ABZ Seeds includes attractive store packaging and makes home-grown strawberries easy for consumers.

Bidens and bonds [video]

Andrew Spencer of Thompson & Morgan talks about the company's new partnership with PlantHaven and a deliciously named pair of bidens.

A 'wacky' petunia [video]

Westhoff adds to its Crazytunia line with Frisky Purple, which features grape-colored blooms with a lime green center.