Daily light integral

Red and far-red light
It’s important to know how red and far-red light act as a signal to plants in a greenhouse environment.
More in Daily light integral
GLASE to hold webinar series on DLI and culinary herb production
Two Michigan State University professors will discuss how growth, development and color of culinary herbs is influenced by average and daily light integral.
Register for MSU Extension Online Greenhouse Courses
Registration ends Dec. 7, 2018, for three winter courses that run from Dec. 1, 2018, to Feb. 28, 2019.
Look on the bright side
How to successfully plan the best lighting strategy for your grow.
The latest stats and figures from the 2018 State of Lighting Report show that LED use is on the rise.
Essential LEDs
Van Belle Nursery’s Pablo Costa shares how LED lighting gives the operation’s hydrangeas some much-needed light and light intensity in early spring.
Rediscovering sunlight
Growers and researchers explore how to add value to horticultural crops with the incorporation of new and improved lighting, especially LEDs, into plant production.
The importance of measuring light
Light meters can help growers better understand what the plants in their greenhouses need.
How well do you know your lighting vocabulary?
15 of the most useful terms relating to greenhouse lighting.