Red and far-red light

It’s important to know how red and far-red light act as a signal to plants in a greenhouse environment.

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Rutgers researchers call for LED lighting standards to be set

A group of researchers says that while LED lights help, industry standards must be set in order to achieve the best possible results.

LumiGrow releases guide to understanding different light spectrums

The guide explains the differences between using supplemental light in greenhouse and indoor environments, how to find the right light spectrum and more.

Research at Utah State University is transforming our understanding of photosynthesis and light.

P.L. Light Systems introduces NXT-LP Ceramic Metal Halide luminaire

The company says the luminaire’s ultra-low-profile design and low radiant heat output lend themselves ideally to vertical applications or facilities where ceiling height is limited.

LumiGrow releases Horticultural Lighting Terms Guide

The guide provides information on Photosynthetically Active Radiation, Photosynthetic Photon Flux and more.

OSRAM, Wageningen University release LED trial results

According to their research, LEDs were 11% more effective with certain tomato cultivars.


Years of research and experience rooted in the Dutch horticultural heritage help set Gavita apart.

LumiGrow launches TopLight

The wirelessly controllable LED lighting system is designed for commercial greenhouse and indoor crop production.

LEDs improve plant growth at Skagit Horticulture

In Skagit Horticulture’s Mabton, Washington, tissue culture lab and greenhouse, LED lighting helps the liner producer grow roses, grasses and food crops.