ClearLeaf Insecticide/Miticide: New synergized approach at taking control of mites and other insects

Central Life Sciences discusses ClearLife Insecticide/Miticide, a first in class innovation for greenhouse and nursery growers to fight mites, insects and resistance, all in a single application with minimal phytotoxicity concerns. This webinar discusses the synergistic benefits of combining a dual-active miticide with a broad-spectrum insecticide, while including a PBO enzyme blocker or synergist. It's a new approach to mite and insect control by limiting the replacement population of the pest right from the start.

Nufarm announces EPA registration for Engulf GHN

The miticide is labeled for greenhouse and shadehouse ornamental crops, greenhouse tomatoes, and Christmas tree and conifer plantations and nurseries.

Broad spectrum, superior control

OHP is banging the drum for active ingredients that target all life cycle stages of one of horticulture’s most annoying pests: spider mites.

Improve your pesticide controls with the help of IRAC/FRAC groups

Here’s how you can apply the best management strategies and products to greenhouse and nursery ornamentals.

Mastering the basics

Every greenhouse’s scouting program is different, but the most important part of any program is sticking to it.

What is pesticide resistance?

Resistance management, Part 1: the differences and similarities between resistance of arthropod pests and plant pathogens.

Kemin Crop Technologies launches OMRI-listed miticide

TetraCURB Organic is a foliar spray for specialty crop growers.

Battling twospotted spider mite

Here’s how to use mitochondria electron transport inhibitors (METI) miticides — mode of action groups 20b, 20d, 21a and 25 — to keep this pest at bay.

Miticides & predatory mites

The responses of predatory mites to miticides can be influenced by a number of factors.

Making the most out of mum production

Horticulture professionals explain how maintaining proper sanitation and relying on trusted chemistries can help growers stay on top of their chrysanthemum crops.