2017 Year in Review: Leslie F. Halleck's 'Hort Truths' columns

Read about interview processes, cut flower messaging, projecting a positive company culture and more.

In 2017, Leslie F. Halleck, owner of Halleck Horticultural, LLC, and a regular Greenhouse Management contributor, began writing her monthly Hort Truths column for the magazine. Ring in 2018 with a recap of her work from last year.



Is your interviewing process out of bounds?

Choose your candidate questions carefully to avoid discriminatory hiring practices.



Make your job postings more appealing

Just as we update how we market our products and services to customers over time, so must we evolve how we market ourselves to potential hires.



Make the perfect cut

Hit the mute button on color, but not your cut flower messaging.



Consider consumer trends

Why you should embrace plants as art, and sell them as such.



What's trending in the digital sphere?

In-depth content as well as strategic customer service and sales are driving online engagement.


Is your one-size-fits-all compensation strategy failing you and your employees?



Flip your script on fear

Remove the obstacle of fear from your business decisions.



Water: Where do you stand?

Although the drought may be abating in some areas of the country, growers can benefit by continuing to adapt to the new normal.



Industry events: not just a family vacation

Halleck's three-pronged approach to industry events: Recon, Hunting & Gathering, and Harvesting phases.



Shift gears or shut down? Know your limits

Know when to pivot, close or sell your business to safeguard your and your employees’ finances and well-being.



Embody your core company values

Follow these steps to project a positive company culture — even with seasonal employees.



Considering the future

When evaluating employees, it's wise to consider their long-term future with your business.


Photo: Thinkstock